The Final Whistle is all about Rugby League. They love it. They breathe it. And they are the only platform that specialises in Junior Rugby League.
Operating across a podcast and live radio show, Fyfie & Dale know what they’re talking about, with a huge Facebook following of almost 30,000 people. Maybe you’ll see them at your next Junior Rugby League game!

Anyone can get involved and broadcast a program at SWR 99.9 FM! We’re always on the lookout for new shows, especially if you can bring something to SWR we don’t have yet. Find out more on how you can become involved with one of Sydney’s most prestigious local radio stations by clicking here. There’s a lot more to SWR than just radio broadcasting.
Busco, SWR 99.9 FM‘s Brekky Host, caught up with the boys from The Final Whistle to share more about the show and volunteering at SWR.
You can also catch the interview on the free iHeartRadio app, on Spotify, Apple & Google Podcasts! Just search for SWR 99.9 FM.