Under the Broadcasting Services Act 1992 (BSA) community broadcasters are not permitted to broadcast ‘advertising’. Sponsorship, however, is permitted and this is akin to a limited form of advertising. The BSA outlines two key requirements of a sponsorship announcement:
• Sponsorship content will be limited to five minutes in any hour (BSA Sch 2, Part 5 clause 9 (3))
• Every sponsorship announcement will be clearly “tagged” (BSA Sch 2, Part 1, clause 2 (2)(b)).
In line with Code 6, SWR 99.9 FM will make sure that:
• sponsorship will not be a factor in determining access to broadcasting time,
• editorial decisions affecting the content and style of individual programs or overall station programming are not influenced by program or station sponsors.
The purpose of this policy is to ensure compliance with the BSA and the Codes and also to give clear direction on SWR 99.9’s ethos toward sponsorship.
1. All sponsorship announcements will comply with the key sponsorship conditions outlined above.
2. All sponsorship arrangements shall be recorded on a standard contract and approved by the office or sponsorship coordinator
3. Sponsorship will not be accepted from companies that promote tobacco or gambling.
4. Sponsorship from companies promoting alcohol may be accepted, however the announcements must not:
a. Promote the misuse of alcohol, or
b. be directed towards minors.
5. Sponsorship will not be accepted from individuals or groups whose policies or practices are inconsistent with the general directions of SWR 99.9.
6. Sponsorship announcements will be produced and presented in a style and form consistent with the program in which they are to be placed and not contain any unauthorised production elements
7. Under no circumstances can presenters accept gifts, products or services or payments in return for promotion of a product, service or business.
8. SWR 99.9 FM reserves the right to refuse any paid announcement.